
Natur-add is a B2B matchmaking platform that will disrupt over the 21st century the way the feed industry is working by speeding up the relation between feed specialty ingredients manufacturers and users of this products (i.e. feed millers, premixers, mineral producers and home-mixers)

Natur-add free market players from ungrateful and time consuming administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on the ones with the highest added value for their customers.

Natur-add will put product information at your fingertips in a few clicks.

With Natur-add, forget dozens of preliminary visits, calls and email and get to the solution that answers to your animal health and nutrition problem, anonymously, easier, faster and at least cost.


Over the next three years, Natur-add will be the leader European platform that speeds up connection between feed specialty ingredients sellers and buyers. More than 50 % of any product available in Europe will be presented on the platform.

Natur-add enables all decision makers profiles within a company (product manager, nutritionist, technical expert, quality control manager, formulator, production manager and purchaser) to get the same and regularly updated product information at any time, in one place.

Hence, time to select trusted and cost-effective products will be drastically reduced by at least 50 %.

Besides, Natur-add will speed up the penetration of innovative products in the market, products that will be selected for their performance, for their action on animal health and well-being but also for their impact on the environment.


Natur-add will be recognized as a loyal, impartial and trusted partner for all users of the platform.

All Natur-add’s employees commit to keeping all product information confidential and will never have any involvement in their content that is the property and responsibility of the manufacturer of feed specialty ingredients.

Products that are scientifically proven as having a negative impact on animals' sanitary status and well-being or on their environment are not authorized on the platform.

That last point is non-negotiable?